- Experts opine that workers that are facing loss of coverage under employer sponsored healthcare insurance must quickly explore health insurance coverage alternatives and must be even ready to pursue options that were hitherto unexplored.
- As the novel corona virus pandemic has started ravaging the national economy by way of massive layoffs, millions of Americans have either already lost or are on the verge of losing their jobs. It is being estimated that around 27 million Americans (workers and dependents included) could be left uninsured if they lose employer provided healthcare insurance coverage. It only underlines the need to get enrolled for some or the other health insurance scheme.
- An analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation further reveals that of the people that are likely to lose jobs, around 12.7million could be eligible for Medicaid coverage and another 8.4 million may qualify for subsidised ACA marketplace plans. But what remains a cause of worry is that about 5.7 million people might not get healthcare coverage under ACA compliant health insurance policies. This means they will have to bear the costs of insuring their family health on their own and so, may might remain uninsured.
- It is known that employer sponsored health insurance plans cover about half of the population in the United States. If you have lost your health insurance through your job then it could be vital for you to get enrolled for a new plan. You need to make an early decision as some healthcare coverage options may have enrolment deadlines. You can’t wait anymore, it could be better if you start inquiring about your alternatives. There is little need to worry regarding your income when you have lost your job. It is possible to find solution even during trying times as specialist help is easily accessible to make things easier and stress-free.